Monday, September 13, 2010

The Modern Gadiantons

This is a comment that really resonated with me for reasons that I think will be obvious. Its just a bit more inflamatory than I think it needs to be to make its point. But the words from the final paragraph "They create nothing and steal everything" strike a deep chord.

25. proreason

The country is engaged in a civil war, and it isn’t about republicans and democrats.

Ruling Class vs Country Class is closer but that isn’t really it either.

It’s possible to be a Harvard grad and still love the country.It’s also not strictly a civil war against marxism, although marxism is the philosophy that our domestic enemies usually use to con the rubes.

The civil war is against political criminals of all stripes, and their allies in the unions, the welfare state, lawyers and bureaucrats…all of the remora-fish classes that feed off the work and genius of people willing to work. For 60 years they have undermined the country, our families, our institutions and our communication networks. They create nothing and steal everything. They won’t go away on their own because they don’t know how to survive withough stealing from others. They have to be crushed. Whatever it takes.

Good stuff.

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