Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New Wealth, New Power.

A great observation by a belmont commenter.

77. Whitehall

The creation of wealth is the cretion [sic] of new power, power that threatens the existing power of political actors.

Those citizens who create new wealth are therefore, rightly, seen as a threat to those who hold power, especially if [those in power] acquired [it] in ways other than through wealth creation.

[Durring] This [latest political] cycle, the political activists have grabbed a huge handful of power and seem to be working hard to prevent future challengers by shutting off the routes to new wealth creation through capital supply restrictions, new regulations, and higher taxes.

Maybe when the Republicans regain power, we could return the favor by closing all university departments of political science, ethnic, gay, and womyn studies and restricting political activities by those with government grants and welfare payments.

[bracketed text mine]

the 4th paragraph is of course tongue in cheek, but the lead in is profound.

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