Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Europe: I'm sorry ... can you repeat the question.

Here is a comment by the man himself, Wrechard, that if true really gives me hope that the US may pull through.

... In a discussion I had with someone who had just been influenced one of [Nial] Ferguson’s apocalyptic “America is dead” lectures my answer was “and who shall live? Europe? Australia? China?” They are all in the same case and further along the feckless path.

What distinguishes American crisis and marks its particular character is that the millions of people are considering answers to questions that are only now being understood by Europeans. It has gone so far in the understanding of the disease that it is at the point of contemplating cures. And because the possible cures are so basic, and so much at odds with the current of the last hundred years they boggle the mind. My guess is that when the answers are finally supplied and if they are successful they will reorganize the world. Not just the United States.

While this sounds hopelessly vague, let’s consider this: can the current political memes now rising in America remain exclusively American? If Washington is diminished by grassroots reassertiveness can the EU be far behind? I think the PC brigade understand things better than the Tea Party Movement. If PC cannot survive in America it is threatened everywhere. The Left has supplied the prototype of the Global Meme. Is there any way of not paying it back in its own coin?

But it is too early to fill in the details. All that can safely be said is that the old order is in crisis. What will replace it — for good or ill — has not yet shown its “external facts”. We do not see its face yet. And it is also likely that we are in the midst what Adams called the “revolution in the minds of the people”. That is the task at hand. What follows, well, we shall see

I think he is right that americans have, at least partially, awoken and begun to consider solutions to the problems that the europeans have not even acknowledged (and they are clearly further down the path).

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New Wealth, New Power.

A great observation by a belmont commenter.

77. Whitehall

The creation of wealth is the cretion [sic] of new power, power that threatens the existing power of political actors.

Those citizens who create new wealth are therefore, rightly, seen as a threat to those who hold power, especially if [those in power] acquired [it] in ways other than through wealth creation.

[Durring] This [latest political] cycle, the political activists have grabbed a huge handful of power and seem to be working hard to prevent future challengers by shutting off the routes to new wealth creation through capital supply restrictions, new regulations, and higher taxes.

Maybe when the Republicans regain power, we could return the favor by closing all university departments of political science, ethnic, gay, and womyn studies and restricting political activities by those with government grants and welfare payments.

[bracketed text mine]

the 4th paragraph is of course tongue in cheek, but the lead in is profound.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

How the left uses Christianity against the west.

This incredible statement is taken from the coments on the Prop8 thread at Belmont Club.

...WOW! ... Just wow!

The West has inherited from Christianity an empathy for victims which is exploited by the Left. Every misfit of whatever stripe is presented as a victim whose pains society is required to assuage. The world is an imperfect place inhabited by variously imperfect people, there is nothing that can be done to make everyone’s sense of inadequacy about their flaws disappear. Yet this is the impossible task to which the Left is attempting to force society to commit itself.

This is from a comenter (Tamquam) that I dont recall having ever taken particular notice of before, but wow.