Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Comment review: 04-29-08

The second to last paragraph makes a ton of sense (especially to anyone who *isnt* convinced perpetually that "the sky is falling... we've just had our last free election!") and if true has the logical potential of leading to a unified foreign policy for dealing with militant islam that would bridge across administrations of varying parties (Hey ... I can hope for 3rd party traction ... right?).

check it out...

32. ADE:
Er, can I do a Doug?
From a speech by P J O’Rourkein Sydney:
America has wound up with a charming leftist as a president. And this scares me. This scares me not because I hate leftists. I don’t. I have many charming leftist friends. They’re lovely people - as long as they keep their nose out of things they don’t understand. Such as making a living.

When charming leftists stick their nose into things they don’t understand they become ratchet-jawed purveyors of monkey-doodle and baked wind. They are piddlers upon merit, beggars at the door of accomplishment, thieves of livelihood, envy coddling tax lice applauding themselves for giving away other people’s money. They are the lap dogs of the poly sci-class, returning to the vomit of collectivism. They are pig herders tending that sow-who-eats-her-young, the welfare state. They are muck-dwelling bottom-feeders growing fat on the worries and disappointments of the electorate. They are the ditch carp of democracy.

And that’s what one of their friends says.

And now that I’ve offended Doug, I’ll redeem myself with this explanation of the Master Strategist

“President Obama’s reaching out to the Muslim world at the start of a new American administration, is welcome, smart, and can play a big part in defeating the threat we face. It disarms those who want to say we made these enemies, that if we had been less confrontational they would have been different. It pulls potential moderates away from extremism.

“But it will expose, too, the delusion of believing that there is any alternative to waging this struggle to its conclusion. The ideology we are fighting is not based on justice. That is a cause we can understand. And world-wide these groups are adept, certainly, at using causes that indeed are about justice, like Palestine. Their cause, at its core, however, is not about the pursuit of values that we can relate to; but in pursuit of values that directly contradict our way of life. They don’t believe in democracy, equality or freedom. They will espouse, tactically, any of these values if necessary. But at heart what they want is a society and state run on their view of Islam. They are not pluralists. They are the antithesis of pluralism. And they don’t think that only their own community or state should be like that. They think the world should be governed like that.

“In other words, there may well be groups, or even Governments, that can be treated with, and with whom we can reach an accommodation. Negotiation and persuasion can work and should be our first resort. If they do, that’s great, which is why if Hamas were to accept the principle of a peaceful two state solution, they could be part of the process agreeing it. But the ideology, as a movement within Islam, has to be defeated. It is incompatible not with ‘the West’ but with any society of open and tolerant people and that in particular means the many open and tolerant Muslims.”

Mea maxima culpa,
Apr 25, 2009 - 3:58 am

I havent read this link below... but I will get back to it.

35. ADE:
Apparently my quote above (which was from a Tony Blair speech in Chicago) was a ripper in full. Here it is.
Apr 25, 2009 - 5:25 am

Update: I read the link to the full speech by Tony Blair. Its quite good and relatively brief. I recommend it.

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